
Disko Bay: Meeting the Inuit & Discovering the Unknown (Ponant)

16 Days




Mit der außergewöhnlichen Anwesenheit von Ian Dawson, britische Photo Ambassador.

It is spring in Greenland. The snow is everywhere and covers a landscape whose apparent monotony reveals unexpected reliefs. For the very first time for a ship, Le Commandant Charcot will humbly progress towards Baffin Bay and ice-covered villages, inaccessible to traditional ships during this early period. During a 16-day journey of exploration, you will sail to the magnificent icy Disko Bay, home to the largest icebergs in the northern hemisphere. From unforgettable experiences to warm encounters, in the cosy atmosphere of an exceptional ship, take the time to enjoy moments of intense emotion and unsuspected discoveries.  

Shaped for polar exploration, Le Commandant Charcot will make its way amongst fragments of drifting and broken-up ice floe, before approaching Inuit villages encircled by ice. During this spring season, following the long winter night, sailing the western Greenlandic coast holds the promise of moments of wonder, of fantastic surprises, provided by the uncertainty, which, always, gives the orders here. As we are taught by Inuit wisdom, only the present moment matters. As you progress towards Baffin Bay, the ice will unveil its countless nuances and give you a new vision of this place at the end of the world. In Disko Bay, the show becomes dreamlike, the icebergs that floated during the summer are now stuck in the frozen sea and make up cathedrals of ice that will leave you speechless.  

During this immersion in the Greenlandic spring, you will discover the local communities of the west whose villages are still encircled by the bordering ice floe. The harshness of winter gradually makes way for the spring and the activities that go with it. Thanks to its special connection with the inhabitants of this fascinating island, PONANT offers you an unforgettable experience. For two days, in Ilulissat and Qeqertarsuaq, you will enjoy a total immersion. Following the pace of the Inuit community, you will experience moments of sharing based around their spring traditions. Polar hikes, ice fishing and dog sledding will punctuate your days but the real treasure lies elsewhere. The Inuits’ way of life and philosophy will imbue you with age-old wisdom.

Find out more about the world of Le Commandant Charcot here!  

Trip Highlights

  • An all-new journey of exploration on the south-western coast of Greenland and in Baffin Bay, a PONANT exclusive thanks to Le Commandant Charcot, the only ship capable of sailing in this region at this time of year.
  • Mit der außergewöhnlichen Anwesenheit von Ian Dawson, britische Photo Ambassador.
  • Take the time to discover the extraordinary landscapes of these lands and to share unique moments with the local Inuit communities.
  • The eye and the advice of our photo ambassador, a privileged opportunity to immortalise your trip with, in the programme: workshops, conferences and personalized advice to improve your photographic skills.
  • Outings and shore visits with a reinforced team of naturalist-guides.
  • The exploration of the broken-up ice floe in Baffin Bay, the discovery of Inuit villages caught in the ice, and the incredible Disko Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and its immense frozen and ice-covered icebergs.
  • The immersive and authentic encounter with two local Greenlandic communities for two timeless days, in villages that are only accessible to Le Commandant Charcot at this period of the year.
  • The possibility of seeing the wildlife of the Far North, in particular, polar bears, Arctic foxes, Ivory gulls, ringed seals and many cetaceans (belugas, narwhals, bowhead whales).
  • The possibility of witnessing the fabulous spectacle of the Northern Lights in Disko Bay
  • Many activities*: dog sledding, kayaking, hiking or snowshoeing, ice fishing.