
Land Of The Ice Bears: An In-Depth Exploration of Arctic Svalbard (Lindblad Expeditions)

10 Days


Sail to the high Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, one of the best places on the planet to see polar bears in their native habitat. Over the past 50+ years, our ace spotters have given our guests multiple opportunities to experience close sightings. In addition to the bears, we’ll be on the lookout for walrus, reindeer, elusive arctic foxes, fur seals, and numerous species of birds. The archipelago offers unique hikes, with artful, sculptural arrangements of whale bones on pebbled beaches and the ghostly remains of trapper’s huts.

Trip Highlights

  • Search for polar bears and walrus alongside our veteran spotters
  • Explore under the midnight sun and take advantage of spectacular photo ops with tips from a National Geographic Photography Expert
  • Sail up to rock-wall rookeries teeming with thousands of birds, see pelagic birds from the ship’s rail when we’re underway, and Zodiac cruise near a cloud of feeding arctic terns
  • Actively explore––kayak, Zodiac cruise, hike, and walk
  • Hike the spongy tundra in search of reindeer, Arctic fox, and a variety of endemic plants NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PHOTOGRAPHY EXPERT Join National Geographic