
Natural Jewels of Costa Rica (Natural Habitat Adventures)

11 Days


Costa Rica may be a small country wedged between two continents, but few locations in the world are bigger on nature, adventure and conservation—and no itinerary we know of shows you more of its varied wild treasures than this one. Flanked by miles of empty beaches on the Pacific and the Caribbean, Costa Rica’s interior is a lush tangle of rainforest, mist-veiled mountains, rushing rivers, active volcanoes and habitat for some of the greatest biodiversity on Earth. Within the layers of green upon green, thousands of species thrive: gigantic ferns, magenta orchids, neon-bright parrots, iridescent hummingbirds, three-toed sloths, monkeys, peccaries, agoutis, crocodiles, sea turtles, iguanas and frogs…and that’s just for starters! Amid the colors and cacophony of the tropical jungle, our senses have never been so engaged.