
Svalbard Explored (Swan Hellenic)

8 Days


Embrace the wilderness of the Arctic Circle on a voyage around Norway’s Svalbard archipelago. The remote islands of Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet and Edgeøya reveal their secrets as you explore rugged landscapes where wildflowers blossom under the midnight sun. Watch out for polar bears prowling the icy wilderness as beluga whales swim nearby, and black-legged kittiwakes swooping overhead as you sail through icy fjords, and past towering glaciers.

Trip Highlights

  • Take a stroll through the high street of Longyearbyen, the world's most northerly town, and follow in the footsteps of polar...
  • Sail past Spitsbergen's most beautiful glacier, Monacobreen, as it calves icebergs
  • Spy on hundreds of polar bears, walruses, whales and arctic foxes in their natural habitat
  • Inspect tundra-loving wildflowers such as tufted saxifrage and arctic white campion in Wijdefjorden
  • Learn more about this isolated polar region from our on board team of experts